Channel: Cottage Grove – Twin Cities
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Cottage Grove works on new city well, filtration on old ones in light of PFC problems


Cottage Grove has had a 12th well in its capital improvement plan for several years, waiting for new development that would require another water source.

The city anticipated needing the well in 2019, but is moving faster in light of the change in permissible perfluorochemical levels the Minnesota Department of Health and Pollution Control Agency announced May 23.

Because water from eight of the city’s 11 wells was determined to have too much pollution under the new guidelines, the city instituted a watering ban.

Five wells are completely offline, and limited water for blending is being drawn from three wells. The new Well 12 would be near Well 11, one of three city wells able to run at full capacity because PFC levels are acceptable.

The new well would be at Ideal Avenue, just north of 63rd Street.

The city has consulted with state agencies regarding the placement of the new well, to ensure water drawn at that site would be safe.

“We believe we are … out of the contaminant zone to the best of our ability,” City Engineer Jennifer Levitt said.

The well will cost an estimated $2.5 million to drill and equip, which will come from the utility fund. If construction falls within the terms of a 2007 consent order outlining 3M Co. groundwater pollution-remediation plans, the company could be responsible for the cost.

Huge filtration tanks were delivered to Well 10 on 95th Street this week, pushing the city one step closer to having that well back online. Work on Well 10 is expected to cost about $2.2 million.

To further increase pumping capacities, the city is doing a similar, though smaller, installation at Well 3 in Ideal Park, one costing about $1 million.

“We are in desperate need of these treatment facilities, and we are aggressively working to bring them online,” Levitt said at a June city council meeting.

After the state Department of Health tests the water from Well 10, it’s expected to be back online the week of July 24. Well 3 work is running about three weeks behind the Well 10 schedule.

The new filtration tanks, which are able to snag PFCs as water flows through, will be exposed to the elements until enclosures can be completed late this year.

Work on Well 3 will present some challenges, as it is near homes.

Though city crews will be on an accelerated schedule to get the project done as quickly as possible, they will keep on eye on the extended construction hours and appropriately shield the security lights. Levitt said they will do their best to not create a nuisance to the neighbors.

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